Friday, June 12, 2009

June 12, 2009 Friday
Seward , Alaska
We had to leave Homer, no we didn’t break any laws, but Marcia was outfishing me so bad…I just couldn’t take it anymore. She caught the King I posted last time. Then she went on a halibut charter( I stayed”home” to catch my King- got skunked! Da---T”), but she came home after catching 16 halibut, the largest 35lb! Our freezer is full. Guess what we are having for, tomorrow, and….
So, I know I can drive the truck. So we left. The fish (Kings were not running anywhere, so we ended up over here in Seward. Great town. We were here with Don and Marge Miller a few years ago. We had a great time then and are doing so now. We have hiked the Harding Glacier(I can’t can’t catch fish, but I can put one foot in front of the other going up hill!) (again hiked ..first time with Don and Marge), but now we met with snow 2/3 of the way up. Still a great day (you can see from the pic). Then we followed that with a “twofer” nature cruise into Ialik Bay and the Holgard Glacier. Lots of seals, sea lions, puffins, whales, a couple of orcas, all despite the foggy day and drizzle. We found a local guy who did day care with Mick and Gretta, while we were gone. Boy, did they have a great time. Played all day with other dogs, had some intelligent conversation (I’m sure), then came home (to our trailer), to eat and sleep. Oh yeahh…a dogs life.
So next we plan to go to the inland areas. We have had about 10 days of wind and 45F weather. Time to warm up and dry out..and mabe I can catch some fish. Fish count: I hate to say this(manhood points quite diminished)…Marcia ahead in count and way ahead in pounds caught. I’m going to have to catch a new countable/sport fish called the “salmonoid goodyearus” to catch up in weight!
Hang in there…next wi-fi I find..I’ll post (if the count gets better).

1 comment:

  1. Rick, I think this fishing skill is in Marcia's DNA; she grew up on Lake Superior with a fisherman for a father! Yours was an auto man; keep up the good driving!

    Appears as if you are having a great time. Here's to some summer weather!

