Sunday, June 28, 2009

Moose and a great pond

Chena Hot Springs Road
Above Fairbanks
June 28, 2009 Sunday
We slid through Fairbanks, got some must need groceries (toilet paper, bread, scotch, and some other stuff that really didn’t seem all that important to me..but hey..what do I know?!)
It is beautiful up here. We found this place, with the help of a good map and local advice. It is a State recreation area, great little ponds(one on each side of the trailer, and Grayling and rainbows in each. Tough choice. A bit buggy if no breeze, but no real problem for folks from Maine. For the first couple of nights we were the only ones camping (“boondoggling”-“squatting”-not paying anything. It is great for the budget and the fact there are no services is great. We have gotten so used to being self-contained, that it is the “norm” now.
We have seen about 8-10 moose here, some interesting ducks and a plover. Not to mention lots of nesting birds that “bomb” Mick and Gretta when they are out. We even have a resident moma moose and her calf. We watched her trying to teach swimming to the calf the other day. The calf really wasn't too keen on it. Did lots of "bleating", as if to say "hey mom, I'll just walk". The girls spend most of the time in the trailer as the bugs would carry them away, if they stayed out, all the time. Mick is still not putting weight on her left rear leg. The good thing is her right rear leg(which “was” here bad leg) is getting stronger. I’m afraid the left will need an ACL repair if this lameness persists. Oh well.
So we will head to Fairbanks later today. Do some major “staging” for the return trip. Trailer bears need repacking, a new tire too. Fix a few things. Truck needs routine servicing and tire rotation, etc. We will do some major grocery re supply, as it is so expensive in the Yukon and British Columbia. We will leaveFairbanks early next week and plan to be in Chicken, Alaska (look it up) for the Fourth of July. Should be interesting.
Hang in there…`

Denali NP and a walk in the snow

Denali National Park
June25, 2009 ?Thursday
I hate to say it is tough keeping track of which day is which. But it is. Our best camping spots are usually Sunday night through Friday. No competition from those folks who are at work. (Nor rubbing it in…) The first couple of days we stayed outside the park, next to Ernie and Shary, from Rangeley. It was really great to see “neighbors” way up here. We had a great BBQ, and commiserated about fuel costs. They will stay until the end of the Summer, where as, we are getting close to the end.
When we arrived at DNP we tried to get into Teklaneeka Camp Ground (mile 29 into the park), the farthest you can go with a trailer/own vehicle, and only with a “special pass”. They only give out a specific number and it is usually by reservation. When we were making enquires months ago, we told “no problem” one is here when you want to come”. Well, you can guess..when we arrive at Park Headquarters’ our quest for a pass was met with “all booked up”. But we were told to check for cancellations..after two days, there was one and we got in. It was great because we had stayed the 4 night minimum, could not use the truck. Behing our trailer was a river wash with great hiking to local hills. We did have to be dutiful with our “hey bear” calls. Their traks were evident everywhere, as were wolf tracks. The dogs were not allowed off the camp ground loop road, and never off leash as there were more important 4 legged mammals in the neighborhood, and I don’t mean small “chatty” dogs.We got around the park on the shuttle bus. Even going out by Wonder lake was only a 6 hour round trip (Dog bladder’s last 6-8 hours…I wish mine did!). On our travels in and through the park we saw 6 sets grizzly sow and 2 cubs each, bull and cow moose(plural), grouse, lots a rabbits, Dahle sheep, golden eagles, and I am sure Marcia could an a few “vertebrates” to the list. We did a Ranger guided hike up Cathedral Mountain..and just for our entertainment we woke to rain that day..which switched over to snow during the climb. The picture says it all. The sun came out the day we left the park and we finally saw the big view:Denali. Beautiful. Bugs not bad... compared to Maine standards.
We are next going to head up Chena Hot Springs Road(above Fairbanks). Do some fishing(I hope a little catching), “boondoogling”, and check out the moose.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Talkeetna and a Fish

Talkeetna, Alaska
June 19, 2009 Friday
The curse has ended: Rick finally caught a nice sockeye salmon and two rainbow while we are in Talkeetna. We found out what the “catching fish” problem is: One of us has to be the sacrificial goat. (and therefore, no one is there to photo and document the catch) I was doing laundry and errands durring his successful solo fishing jaunt. The day before it worked too—I was visiting galleries and did a painting, while he caught 2 nice rainbows in the Upper Montana.
Besides known for its climbing excusions to Mt. McKinely and plane-trip charters to Denali Park, Talkeetna is known as the “the quaint little drinking town that has a fishing problem.” The flowers are finally coming to peak, and it is such a pleasure to hike in alpine meadows.
Prior to Talkeetna, We did have more frutstrating fishing exper iences driving up from coastal Seward, at the Kasilof River, Willow River (where I caught a smolt little bigger than my fly) and L. Montana. For you non-fisherman, these are all famous rivers. Unfortunately the King Salmon run is very weak this year. Our hopes were dashed once again, after a day on Clear Creek, which needs a “jet-boat dropoff. I hooked and lost 4 kings(spin rod) and Rick(fly rod) hooked and lost 2 kings. A small comfort was landing a dolly Varden that day. Just have to be content with the thrill of playing those 35 lb. fish for several minutes each.
While on the Clear Creek, our beloved lab Mickey apparently tore out her ACL on her “good hind leg”, so she is confined to the trailer until we get back to Maine. It looks like her hunting days are over.
The upside of coming too early to Alaska, is that there are hardly any mosquitos, June is the sunniest and driest month, and campground accommodations do not need advance reservations. But Talkeetna was the first time it was warm enough to grill outside. Boy did that fresh salmon taste good. The Inland is much warmer than the coast. We have had only two half-days of rain!
Now we are on our way up to Denali Park and meeting our Rangeley friends , Sheri Oldham and Ernie. Looking forward to hiking and more photography. If we get another rainy day, maybe another painting in the Park.
Best Fishes
Marcia and Rick

Friday, June 12, 2009

June 12, 2009 Friday
Seward , Alaska
We had to leave Homer, no we didn’t break any laws, but Marcia was outfishing me so bad…I just couldn’t take it anymore. She caught the King I posted last time. Then she went on a halibut charter( I stayed”home” to catch my King- got skunked! Da---T”), but she came home after catching 16 halibut, the largest 35lb! Our freezer is full. Guess what we are having for, tomorrow, and….
So, I know I can drive the truck. So we left. The fish (Kings were not running anywhere, so we ended up over here in Seward. Great town. We were here with Don and Marge Miller a few years ago. We had a great time then and are doing so now. We have hiked the Harding Glacier(I can’t can’t catch fish, but I can put one foot in front of the other going up hill!) (again hiked ..first time with Don and Marge), but now we met with snow 2/3 of the way up. Still a great day (you can see from the pic). Then we followed that with a “twofer” nature cruise into Ialik Bay and the Holgard Glacier. Lots of seals, sea lions, puffins, whales, a couple of orcas, all despite the foggy day and drizzle. We found a local guy who did day care with Mick and Gretta, while we were gone. Boy, did they have a great time. Played all day with other dogs, had some intelligent conversation (I’m sure), then came home (to our trailer), to eat and sleep. Oh yeahh…a dogs life.
So next we plan to go to the inland areas. We have had about 10 days of wind and 45F weather. Time to warm up and dry out..and mabe I can catch some fish. Fish count: I hate to say this(manhood points quite diminished)…Marcia ahead in count and way ahead in pounds caught. I’m going to have to catch a new countable/sport fish called the “salmonoid goodyearus” to catch up in weight!
Hang in there…next wi-fi I find..I’ll post (if the count gets better).

Friday, June 5, 2009


June5, 2009 Friday
“Flash” Fish Update…Marcia just landed her first (I haven’t had the honor yet…hmmm) King Salmon. It was so exciting she lost her footing and fell in above her waders..but did not lose her grip on the rod. Just like movie stuff. Got it filleted and in the freezer..except for tonight’s supper.
The picture says it all. Gotta go the tide is turning and I gotta get out there…manhood points in danger at the moment.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Homer:Where's The King?!

June 2, 2009 Tuesday Homer Alaska
Ok…this is a delayed blog as we decided we would not post until we could say we are catching King Salmon. We arrived yesterday, fished like H..ll, got reel good at casting… got a lot of information..still casting. This fish are tidal, so theoretically, we fish according to the tide flow. Yea..right. An occasional King is taken, but they are not “running yet”. We are not moving until they are! We may not be home until December…but we are not moving from the Homer Spit until the kings fill our freezer(it’s small).

Homer is the point of farthest from Maine. I have driven, according to Miss Vicky(my Garmin)(she can be trusted-doesn’t drink or get allusions of grander) 6369 miles to get here. In this distance and Marcia and I living in this ..some would say “tight space”..there are a few observations. Dandruff makes a lot of noise falling. Methane from dietary consumption can be an issue. Habits of hearing the refrigerator door “click” “closed” becomes a point of contention. Dry flush or wet?-tough decision at times, not for the user but the listener. Whoa..the freezer door is open. Well, gotta get ice for the scotch! What’s the problem!? We are learning. Hey the dogs are fine..they love “flushing” Eagles here in Homer…yes we see so many..that they re like crows to us. Ok next post when we get a “fish”.
Ok..still no fish, but no one else has any either. Is that supposed to be a justification or consoling? Anyway, the King Run is non-existant. Everyone is complaining. The State is closing rivers until the migrating fish counts go up. So, the moral of the story..don’t go on a fishing vacation with the Bakers. We threw spinners for 5 ½ hours today..does that count as aerobic activity? Mabe for the right arm. But no problem, tomorrow is another day and another tide to take a shot at.
The girls got two great hikes today. The last was a great one from the hights around Homer down to the beach through a lush warm valley..reminded us of Hawaii (where we caught just as many fish!).
Oh yea , we have new “daily count”: Eagles. Today is was atleast 15 and one was taking a “bird bath” at the boat landing. Big bird bath. If you catch a fish(key word here is “mabe”), you have to keep it close ‘cause if you don’t the Eagles will come and sit on it and not give it back to you. Talk about bullies!
Tomorrow it is supposed to rain, high tide is at 1:30PM, so we will get laundry and showers done before the fish start their run..we decided they will start tomorrow!