Sunday, March 29, 2009

North To Alaska 2009

Last year many of you and some others encouraged me to send them travel updates, mabe because they are glttons for punishment and have nothing else to do with their time. So, as a result I decided to do this "blog". Different and mabe a bit more fun. First rule about reading my stuff...I don't pretend to know my spelling or grammar..sorry about that for you English gurus. Second :is if this starts to get boring for you..turn it off. Third please write back if you have a chance.
Spring is arriving so that means it's time to escape "Mud Season". Here in Maine and especially in Rangeley, it is a time of year when mud prevails. Anyone who can..gets outa town. So this year's trek is to Alaska. I plan to leave here about May first and head North, well more North West. If things go as planned, Marcia will join me in Edmonton,AB about two weeks later. So until then, it'll be Mick and Gretta for company. Not to mention alot of flat country to get through.
So ..I gotta do some packing...
hang in there....